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Bread and Circuses in the new Rome

The art of divert the masses may have developed over the centuries but the basic playbook is still in place

While reviewing the events of the last few weeks, I'm left with a feeling that we are experiencing a global "Bread and Circuses" movie. Some may recall the Matrix movie; perhaps we could be in the Matrix at this moment, having to choose the right pill. I prefer to think of world events as something from a Hollywood movie scriptwriter aspiring to achieve a B-level movie ability, and the actors in the movie are far from A-listers.

For those unfamiliar with the expression Bread and Circuses. It is an expression of a controlling tactic (can’t call it governing ) “Bread and circuses (or bread and games) were a combination of state-sponsored public assistance and entertainment provided by the government of ancient Rome. The phrase is most commonly associated with the rule of the emperors, when the government provided free wheat to the lower class, as well as theatrical spectacles and gladiatorial games. Although the emperors were often criticized for their use of bread and circuses to placate the masses, this strategy was effective in maintaining the support of the people and keeping the empire stable.” Update it to the 21 st Century when what has been referred to as the New Romans are at the helm of control - has a familiar feel doesn’t it

Too much of what is going on has the feel of being contrived to be even remotely believable. Who is behind all that is entertainingly funny that is going on? I cannot even attempt to guess, other than suggesting there might be several narratives at play here. Briefly examining the Trump assassination scene in this grade B movie: No one would spring up as Trump did after being shot with a fist to the air, unless that was what the script called for, or they were playing in a Rocky or similar movie. I have tried hard to find details on the gun used. An AR-15 is not a precise model of gun but rather a class of firearm that has a variety of configurations and different configurations fire different bullets from what is basically a 22 caliber bullet to a 50 caliber bullet or beyond. The accuracy of the weapon varies greatly, although it appears its accuracy is typically in the range of hitting a vehicle-size target at 500 yards for an average shooter. The question I have there is: They must have collected the bullets used and shell casings yet no information on what was used has been released. Without this information, it points to an unlikely scenario that the ammunition needed for an accurate shot was used. Many of us have noted numerous anomalies that make it hard to believe the official story, although the story certainly fits a good Grade B plotline. It should now be clear to even a casual observer that something is wrong with our governance and has been for a long time; it's getting worse with every election in what appears increasingly to be a sham democracy. There are growing cries: "We need someone to lead us" – expecting the next leader will be the Messiah or whatever will take us to the promised land, allowing ourselves to be placed in this position. It is time each of us stepped back and took responsibility for ourselves and recognized that we already have our leader before us – staring back at us in the mirror. We need to stand up and challenge the deep state. When enough do, the collective roar of no to the deep state's control will cease. We are them many; they are the few; they cannot stop us if we unite in opposition to them.

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