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What are the implications in Canadian Law with the US Supreme Court overturning a long standing decision

Supreme Court Rules Government Agencies are not the final authority on the science they government agencies use for their decisions

It appears the tide is slowly turning, at least in the US on the heals of a US Curcuit court ruling the COVID Jabs were not vaccines comes another that will have sweeping implications far beyond COVID.

The Supreme Court of the US has ruled that government Agencies do not have the last word on science. In Canada up until now, certainly for me with my WorksafeBC claim they position has been if a government agency makes a decision on the safety etc of something then they are right and can not be questioned.

While the case in the US is interesting and almost certainly will have an effect in time in Canada. The decision does not qualify as a precedent setting case here. It is a reference case that can be cited here in support of an argument in court. Or if you want can be said in court “see this is what they are doing in other jurisdiction - we should do the same here” A link to a page on the decision is here

The decision may may an effect if the government attempts to use the provisions of the Current budget bill currently working its way through the house.

For some illogical reason the government has chosen to use the budget to also grant sweeping and arbitrary powers to the Minister of Health - to make decisions and edicts not based on science but on no more than a ministerial whim. The National Health Products Protection Association has an excellent paper looking in depth at the provision in this section of the budget bill C-69

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