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Are you ready for the Next Election?
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Are you ready for the Next Election?

British Columbia’s next Provincial election is October 19, 2024?

Are you ready for the Next Election?

British Columbia’s next Provincial election is October 19, 2024?

Unless the governing party decides it is to their advantage the next provincial election in BC will be held Saturday, October 19, 2024. It is unlikely they will decide it is to their advantage.

For most of my 70 + years I have watch politics closely, watch our continued spiral into electoral hell where the politicians seem to have less and less respect for the electorate and their constantly increasing usurping of our power and control. At first it was tiny increments of taking our control, our power, our human rights, barely noticeable from one government to the next. Now, the rabidly increasing usurping of our rights, power, control it has become an almost vertical decrease in the classic exponential “hockey stick” graph the degradation of our rights seems to increase hourly.

All the leaders of the major political parties do is impose the edits etc their masters at the WEF and above order them to impose on the masses. And we in turn in the manner of a barking dog can vent ourselves by barking back at the political overlords for doing their master’s bidding. Their respective political parties comprised of sycophants waiting in the wings for the illustrious leader to thrown them a bone in the form of one perk or another. These parties too, have lost their usefulness jus being part of the conduit of control sent down from the global cabal/deepstate/society of evil ones via the respective political party leader.

There little to differentiate between the parties in actions, note the easy and frequency politicians switch between parties. The biggest difference between the parties is the colour of the bunting they wrap themselves in; red, blue, orange, green, purple, etc. The colour is of little difference to most politicians as though they were all colour blind. After about 8-10 years with their respective parties bunting wrapped around “the big chair” time to wrap the chair with fresh bunting while the previous is taken home and washed to be ready on the shelf some 8-10 years later. Make little difference who has the prime spot. They all get a year or so of peace before the electorate realises it makes little difference as we are still sliding down the greased pole of human rights, power and control at faster rate than before.

When Eby took over from Horgan did anyone notice a difference, or just a continued descent at a faster rate? We were told there would be quantum shift when Horgan took over from Clark, if there was we all missed seeing it. On leaving politics as is tradition for our leaders they are rewarded for their service to the Society of Evil Ones with some plumb job in the private sector – or if they did an exceptional job on the deep states behalf a prestigious government appointment.

In our next elections we need to look past the meaningless rhetoric of the politicians, the promises we know are empty promises and insultingly bad jokes on the electorate and vote for candidates that will truly represent us, not represent the Evil Ones filtered through the sycophant leaders and party brass.

We need to look for and support a candidate that will work for us, unlike my current MLA who thinks it is illegal to help a constituent. If his job this he certainly is in no danger of being charged. After 7 years as an MLA I have yet to find a constituent that can tell me what he has done for his constituency.

Yes, he voted in the grand theater of the legislative assembly against Bill 36/ Health Professions and Occupations Act but, there was little point in a negative vote there when “the fix” was in and the bill after being subjected to closure in committee was passed. He like the rest of the opposition should have stood up and opposed the use of closure to pass a bill that had only had 1/3 of its clauses looked at. If they were against the bill as introduced they should have spoken up then But as few of the public attend the committee debates there is not opportunity for grandstanding theatricals or political reason when there is no audience.

The Evil Ones through their army of politicians and bureaucrats have seized control of us, have usurped or inalienable rights as human have vanquished our power. Time is short, we must step up as never before and take back our control, our human rights and dignity, our power from the deepsate global cabal.

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