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We must awaken the inner Heyoka within us, if we are to emerge from the current morass we are in

We must awaken the inner Heyoka within us, if we are to emerge from the current morass we are in

We must awaken the inner Heyoka within us, if we are to emerge from the current morass we are in

Today I met an interesting word, Heyoka

A Heyoka in the Native American culture is an ‘energetic’ healer who encompasses all of the sacred gifts from our Divine Creator of All….God. It originates directly from the Lakota Sioux tribe. Every indigenous culture has a term for the tribal medicine man or woman, but the term Heyoka is rooted only in the Lakota Sioux tribe. Heyoka prefer to dedicate their life to the servitude of God, healing, and as a facilitator of change in the chaos of life.

As the definition notes every indigenous culture has a similar term, I like to think every culture of the world had a similar concept. Unfortunately for most of us the concept departed western culture during the Renaissance/Age of Enlightenment when the light of our internal spirits was extinguished by the new schools of thought. While it is probably true not all are equipped to be Heyoka and requires a true calling to be one, we all have the ability to emulated a Heyoka. We can all have a role in assisting people to come in touch with their own powerful energy (Qi). The ability to see the world as a “Contrarian” and View a Separate from The World, to be in the world and not of it.

"Find your path. Stay on the path. Be the path", to initiate a paradigm shift or personal transformation in others.

The word is often translated to the term Sacred Clown or trickster but means more than that. One of their roles is to present the world to others or to reflect back the absurdities of the now world.

While the term may have been lost in our current culture, especially in many t shows with the “lovable rouge” or in what may be the classic Heyoka TV show “All in the family” where each character played a role to reflect back some of the current inanities of life. As entertaining as it was in true Heyoka fashion it reflected us back to ourselves and encouraged most to think about our society.

Today, more than almost anytime in our recent history we need to reflect back the insanity of the world to ourselves and to our would be leaders. Would Trudeau or Poilievre conduct themselves as they do if they had themselves reflected back to themselves and not the sight of their antics in a fun house distortion mirror? As their actions continue and I realise there will be an election within 2 years and most likely sooner. Which of them is demonstrating the qualities of someone to be Prime Minister and represent us on the world stage? Nor do the leaders of the lesser parties give one much hope there either. If our current party leaders represent the best the party and Canada has to offer, we are seriously deficient in leadership candidates.

Our fault for deviating from how our parliament was designed and embracing the cult of leader, of allowing political parties the ability to control their minions by doling out favours. Do any of them inspire confidence in us to lead us. If parliament and other legislative assemblies chose the person within them that truly inspired the confidence of the rest, the respect of the rest, would our current crop of leaders be leaders? The processes has gone so far off the rails that now the party leader does not feel they are bound by resolutions passed by their own party. I understand all or most of the current crop of party leaders see themselves as above the party and take a carte blanche to do as they wish – most likely do as they are ordered to do by their masters at the World Economic Forum. It is time to reflect back on them their foolishness and pretensions and dismiss them in disgrace. We can not let the Tricksters of the Devil/Evil one dictate to us. We must unleash our inner Heyoka.

One of the roles of a Heyoka is to seek the middle path. In our parliaments a leader that truly represents the people. If they and their handlers, the Society of Evil Ones are not dismissed and better banned, as a world population we will continue to descend into a hell that will make Dante’s Inferno look like a paradise. We need our inner Heyoka to step us back and see ourselves as we are, to recover our power or Qi. We have the power, we just need to step up and use it. We need to stop the current descent into the Chaos of Life and return to our true selves as beings of light in the universe.

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