
Test of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)

Twice a year the EBS is required to be tested in Canada

The governments of Canada are required to test their Emergency Broadcast System. A few weeks before we test are system the US conducts a similar test.

Fir sin=me reason the test in the Fall generates considerable noise and concern about the real purpose of the test. The stated purpose of the test is to test the operation of the system that sends out emergency alerts to radio, TV and cellphone about forest fires etc that may be encroaching on habitation or foods etc. the stated purpose of the test is understandable and an appropriate test.

Especially in the US tests there are rumours of what nefarious purposes the test is really for. Yes the system could be used in many ways for nefarious purposes. Events of the past few years gives the awake a reason to not trust the government and their true purpose.

Every year about this time the same rumours occur and nothing has happened. Could the test each year be used to attack the populous or for some false flag event, certainly the possibility is there but, todate they do not appear to used for that purpose.


If one is close to an international border there is a possibility your phone could pick the cell phone signal up. Ignore the alert or if you do not want to be part of the test turn you phone off. Likewise if you do not want to take part in your nation’s test turn your phone off. For Canadians that time and date will be November 20, 2024 at 1:55 PM PST

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