Recently I have been asked to measure the radiation levels at some homes and businesses. The residents or staff were complaining of headaches and creeping health ailments, also some residents were concerned about an abrupt change to the sleep patterns and getting less sleep.. In each case the problem appears to be coming from some recent upgrade their internet supplier/telco had done to their system when it was converted to a fiber optic connection to the home.
It has become a standard practise for me to tell them they need to replace some of their telco supplied equipment. And replace it with a basic store bought router. When they do this generally their health improves and they get a better sleep.
The problem with the telco routers is they are radiating excessive levels of radiation. Typically one only needs less than 500 µwatts/m2 (500 microwatts/meter squared. Safety Code 6 (the Canadian guidelines for exposure to microwave radiation) allows 2,500,000 µwatts/m2 . The levels deemed permissible by Canada and the other countries using the criteria that it is only heat from radiation that cause harm should be thought of as a bad joke except the levels are killing and injuring people across the country and around the world. Actually I do not know what the maximum these units radiate. My meter reaches the maximum it can display at 2.5 million.
It should be noted how the heat based limits were established. From the best I can find information, in 1953 6 rats had thermometers pushed up their rectums and the scientists found they acted strangely. Yes, you read that right.
There is no logical reason why one would need the excessively high radiation levels from the Telco units. It is possible the units are also doubling as mesh hubs radiating so ones neighbours have access to your router and even AI cars can use the hubs for their purposes.
If the hubs are being used for such purposes,, when it was installed was one told of the increased security risk these units cause, were you told that your electric power was being used to provided a mesh network connection for others? Yes the amount of power used by each unit is small but the homeowner is still paying for the illicit use of their IT network.
If one chooses to go the rout of disconnecting the Telco router and supplying their own the installation is quick and simple. Plug your new router in and transfer the connection wires from the Telco system to your router. To reduce the level of radiation even further in ones home I recommend following the instructions supplied with the router and turn off the wifi on the router and your home devices. I did find one router that required and additional “turnoff”, one had to turn off the mesh network as well, simple enough to do just follow the instructions in the manual.
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