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The Tulip Button - a Canadian Freedom Symbol

There were many demonstrations across Canada in support of the Canadian Truckers Freedom Convoy to Ottawa during the months of January 2021 and February 2021. A series of large demonstration were held in Victoria, British Columbia during that period, the attendance at these events numbered in the 1000s for each day. Among other things these events were a strong expression of the desire for freedom, of hope for the future and support of free speech.

On project that grew out of the Victoria events was the tulip button. A symbol of Freedom for all and a way of identifying oneself on where they stood on the issues of the day. Two ladies Leslie-Anne Goodall and Sophie Siebert started a campaign to promote awareness using the Tulip as a symbol

The buttons are available on their Tulips4Freedom web site, the direct link to their order page.

During a recent drive through BC, I encountered many that were clearly awake to the issues represented by the button and more. When I introduced them to the buttons and told them more about them , it became an instant icebreaker on the conversation and they were appreciative of the button I gave them, wearing it proudly to to show their support. Often while walking in Victoria people have commented on the button and express support, often they too are wearing a button. In the June 2024 edition of Druthers on page 4 Sophie Siebert tells her story about the buttons and their meaning.

The need for a symbol to recognise others are awake to our need for freedom is great. This button is a strong symbol, especially when one connects it to the gift of Tulips bulbs for the hill in Ottawa from the Dutch people thanking us for their freedom from the Nazis during the econd World War.

When I first saw the button I immediately made the association of Freedom and Ottawa. The “Ottawa” tulips are a reminder of when much of the world stood shoulder to shoulder fighting for freedom. A battle I feel we are in again fighting to regain the freedoms we have lost since WWII. The accompanying video is sort of interrupted by the carillon in Victoria ringing through the video. the carillon’s official name is The Netherlands Centennial Carillon The carillon was a gift from the Dutch community to the people of British Columbia to celebrate Canada’s centennial year in 1967. Like the carillon and it rings our cry for freedom needs to ring loudly throughout the Country.

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